Inflammation and Oral Health
Inflammation is a way the body protects itself, but it comes at a cost.

What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is your body's built-in defense mechanism that helps alert and protect you when a problem occurs. Your body uses inflammation to help protect you from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.
When you have inflammation, you'll experience swelling, redness and the area may feel hot. That's the result of your body opening your blood vessels to send an army of white blood cells to surround and protect the area.
How Does Inflammation Relate to Dental Problems?
Oral infections, such as cavities, early gum disease (gingivitis) and advanced gum disease (periodontitis) all have an inflammation component. If you have a deep cavity, you may feel sensitivity to sweets, sensitivity to hot and cold or may feel pain. These factors indicate that the nerve of your tooth is inflamed.
The signs of gingivitis include gums that are red, swollen and bleed easily. Brushing may be painful and there could be redness on your toothbrush from blood. You may think bleeding gums are normal, but they aren't.
Inflammation associated with periodontitis is similar to gingivitis. But it also involves destruction to the bone and support structures of the teeth. With periodontitis, bacteria infect the tissues around the teeth and cause inflammation. This results in damage to the bone and ligaments that hold teeth in place. Symptoms include sensitivity, swollen and bleeding gums, bad breath, gum recession and deep pockets between the teeth and gums. As this condition advances, teeth can become loose and may need to be removed.
How Does Inflammation Relate to My Health?
Inflammation in the mouth can affect other health conditions you may have. This is because bacteria can travel throughout your body. Research shows that the bacteria from gingivitis and periodontitis is linked to conditions such as low birthweight babies, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and dementia.
If you feel or see signs of inflammation in your mouth, contact your dentist for an exam. Your dentist can determine the cause of the inflammation. Then they can identify your treatment options and develop a treatment plan.
Note: The information in this document is not meant to replace the advice of your dentist or another licensed healthcare professional. Talk to your dentist for any specific dental advice.