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Estimate Dental Costs

Dental procedure costs vary by location, so when you are planning for a dental treatment, its helpful to get an understanding of what your provider may charge. Use the tool below to search for procedures and see what they may cost in your area. Coverage and costs are determined based on the dentist's fee and your plan benefits, so see the BCBS FEP Dental brochure for more information.
BCBS FEP Dental brochure

Location (Required)

Enter your dentist's Zip Code:
If you do not know the Dentist's zip code, use your home zip code. Either a three or five-digit zip code can be used.

Procedure (Required)

To search for dental pricing, please enter a dental procedure code, keyword or select a category from the list below. One field needs to be completed in this section to complete the search.
Enter a dental procedure code. If you do not know the dental procedure code, enter a keyword or pick a category in one of the other boxes. Entry of a value in this field will result in clearing of other fields in this section.
Enter the full keyword not a partial word (e.g. root canal vs. root or RCT). Keyword is limited to 30 characters and only allows letters, numbers, periods, apostrophes, spaces, hyphens, commas, ampersands and forward slashes. Entry of a value in this field will result in clearing of other fields in this section.
Select a Dental Procedure Category from the following list
Pick the category that you wish to find dental pricing for. Entry of a value in this field will result in clearing of other fields in this section.
To access results,select the Search button.